Strength and Inversions Workshop Series with Kelsie Sadler
to Aug 25

Strength and Inversions Workshop Series with Kelsie Sadler

If you would like to learn the mechanics to stand on your head and hands safely, plus the strength drills to help make that happen, this series of four workshops, focusing on different postures and skillsets, is for you! Kelsie specializes in inversions and strength training, and is passionate about guiding students to the next level in their own practice.

Sunday, May 19, 2024, 1-3 pm: Pincha Mayurasana the Forearmstand; you will build the foundation to balance on your forearms in this classic Second Series inversion.

Sunday, June 30, 2024, 1-3 pm: Handstand; Kelsey will guide you through the skillset needed to go up on your hands.

Sunday, July 28, 2024, 1-3 pm: Tough Transitions; Learn to navigate the tough vinyasa transitions like the elusive jump through and jumpback!

Sunday, August 25, 2024, 1-3 pm: Pressing; Surf gravity to press up into inversions through the energy of apana.

Single Workshop: $40

Entire Series: $120

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A Weekend of Ashtanga with Tim Feldmann
to May 5

A Weekend of Ashtanga with Tim Feldmann

Attention Ashtangis of ALL Levels!! Tim Feldmann is back with us here in the Mitten in May! This weekend of practice and workshops is for everyone looking to deepen their practice in a fun and accessible way. Tim is an authorized Ashtanga teacher that began as a dancer/choreographer and a vinyasa practitioner, so he infuses his teaching with a unique blend of tradition and creativity, plus his infectious sense of humor. Not to be missed!!

Friday, May 3, 2024, 5:30: Guided Half Primary Series with Q&A

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10a-12:30p: Guided Primary Emphasizing the Second Half

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 2-4:30p: Demystifying the Gateway Postures of the Primary Series (Bhujapidasana, Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana) Sometimes we get stuck; our leg, shoulders or knees won’t go where we want them to and we feel more achy than happy when attempting the “higher notes” of our practice, also called the Gateway Postures, as they serve as indicators that our body has grown ready for the next level. This workshop addresses that issue! Focusing on technique, proper alignment and anatomical insights will help you understand how your body moves and how to progress to the next level of your aptitude. We set up for a detailed experience of the difficult gateway postures, slowly peeling off the layers that obstruct our view and motion required to find true freedom and power within.

Sunday, May 5, 2024, 9:00 -11:00 am: Guided Full Primary Series

Sunday, May 5, 2024, 11:30am-1:30 pm: Inversions, Headstands & Arm Balances In this workshop you will learn practical tools to turn upside down with stability, tranquility and grace. You will gain a thorough understanding of the anatomical patterns at play in your body while inverted. Detailing the shoulder mechanics helps you integrate your arms, spine, ribcage and hips to create a solid platform for accessible and pleasurable inversions whether on your head, hands, or elbows. We will play with simple to advanced asanas. ALL LEVELS WELCOME

Entire Weekend: $225

Single Class: $55

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Sound Journey with Jeremy Arndt

Sound Journey with Jeremy Arndt

Nurture yourself and experience deep relaxation amidst an immersive soundscape provided by the soothing resonance of the handpan combined with didgeridoo, gong, guitar, analog synthesizers, and more. A Sound Journey with Heavenly3lues is a multi-instrumental experience that will induce physical, mental and emotional relaxation; cultivating a deep sense of calm and inner peace.

Bio: Jeremy Arndt (Heavenly3lues) has been fusing the mindfulness based practices of yoga and meditation with his music for over a decade both as a solo artist, and as the co-founder of Settle Into Stillness. Since 2009, he has traveled the globe, with music as his guide, studying different musical traditions and finding a consistent thread of inspiration for his own music. His journeys have taken him to performance stages around the world, in 28 countries and 5 continents. He has shared over 1,000 performances and has collaborated with artists from around the world. His music currently has over 8 million streams on Spotify.

Cost: $35

Social Media:

Jeremy Arndt - Heavenly3lues

Instagram - @Heavenly3lues


Spotify playlist of Jeremy’s Music for Yoga, Meditation, and Relaxation:

Additional Promo Materials, Including Photos, Headshots, and More (Dropbox):

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Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with Judith Pinn Carlisle
to Feb 25

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with Judith Pinn Carlisle

In this 20-hour online module, students will develop a robust understanding of the history, philosophy and practice as presented in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Emphasis will be on understanding of the text, both within its historical context, and as a contemporary text that informs your own yoga practice and teaching goals. Students will receive a Zoom link to all live sessions, which will also be recorded to view at at later date.

Judith Pinn Carlisle began practicing yoga with her grandmother when she was a young child. After a 20-year career as professor of information systems and computer science, Judith has shifted her focus to Yoga studies. Her work now centers on how enlightenment and the Dharmic traditions inform the creation of a just world for all beings. Judith brings this inquiry to classes she teaches at Yoga Studies programs at Loyola Marymount University and Naropa University as well as instruction in classical Yoga texts such as the Yoga Sutras. Her education includes: PhD-University of Arizona, Tucson; MA-Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles; MS-University of Arizona, Tucson; AB-Occidental College, Los Angeles.

Program Schedule: February 4 & 5, 11 & 12, 25 & 26, and March 4 & 5, 2023 at 1:00-3:30 pm.

Cost: $175

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New Year's Detox Vinyasa with Kelsie Sadler

New Year's Detox Vinyasa with Kelsie Sadler

Ring In (and Wring Out!) the New Year with Kelsie; This 90 minute vinyasa experience will transform you! Sweat out the past and make way for a new path ahead into 2024. Lots of sweaty warming up followed by some long holds, some deep stretching, and intention setting for the year ahead. Bring a handtowel and some water and get ready to move!

Cost: $30

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Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliot

Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliot

Take time for deep relaxation before the holidays with Licensed Massage Therapists, Cody and Allyson. This time around, there are only FOUR spots per session. This will allow for even longer massage per participant! Class will consist of long held restorative postures coupled with soothing massage techniques.

Session One: December 23, 12:00-1:30 pm

Session Two: December 23, 4:00-5:30 pm

Cost per session: $70

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Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliot (Copy)

Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliot (Copy)

Experience the ultimate relaxation and post-holiday renewal. Licensed massage therapists Cody and Allyson are offering two opportunities to unwind with the blissful combination of restorative yoga and massage. On Saturday, the class will concentrate on providing relief to the upper body, including the scalp, face, neck, shoulders, and upper back. On Sunday, the emphasis will be on alleviating tension in the lower body, specifically in the lower back, hips and legs.

Single workshop: $50

Both Days: $90

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Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliot

Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliot

Experience the ultimate relaxation and post-holiday renewal. Licensed massage therapists Cody and Allyson are offering two opportunities to unwind with the blissful combination of restorative yoga and massage. On Saturday, the class will concentrate on providing relief to the upper body, including the scalp, face, neck, shoulders, and upper back. On Sunday, the emphasis will be on alleviating tension in the lower body, specifically in the lower back, hips and legs.

Single workshop: $50

Both Days: $90

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A Weekend of Ashtanga for Everybody with Kathy Cooper
to Nov 12

A Weekend of Ashtanga for Everybody with Kathy Cooper

Kathy Cooper began practicing Ashtanga Yoga in 1976, studying with David William, Nancy Gilgoff and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Her deep roots in Ashtanga and several other healing modalities inform her compassionate understanding of how to support and maintain a practice for a lifetime.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023:

10am-12pm Led Primary Series for Everybody

1:00-3:30pm Alignment Principles: Kathy with demonstrate and instruct students in these principles to support their practices and to avoid common injuries.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023:

10am-12pm Led Primary Series for Everybody

1:00-3:30pm Insights into Backbending and Inversions for All: Working with insights into backbending and inversions to open and deepen safely. Also, conversation about longevity of practice and Q&A.

Entire Weekend: $175; Single Workshop: $55

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A Weekend of Ashtanga with Tim Feldmann
to Oct 15

A Weekend of Ashtanga with Tim Feldmann

Friday, Oct. 13, 5:30-7:30 pm

Yoga Talk - What is Yoga? Practice for a Lifetime

In this talk Tim will address what it is you are supposed to be doing when you are doing yoga on your mat according to Sri Patanjali. The ancient, yogic goals of health & liberation to our bodies, minds and hearts sometimes get lost in our modern attempts of mastering yoga postures. Did you ever wonder how bending your back and jumping back-forth is possibly going to elevate your mind, release deep psychological patterns and lead you to a freer, happier state of living? Come learn what classic yogic texts says about practice and how to apply it to your own yoga practice for long term benefits.

Saturday, October 14, 9-11:30 am

Primary Series Led Class + 30 min Q&A

"Just as music without proper pitch and rhythm will not give happiness, yogasana without the observance of vinyasa will not give health.” - Srivatsa Ramaswama

Join Tim for a fun 2 hours and learn how this challenging sequence can heal and help you in your body and your life. Pattabhi Jois artfully crafted the Primary Series to cleanse our body, purify our nervous system and burn away the delusions of the conditioned mind. The original Vinyasa method (also called ‘placing in a special way’), this thread of unbroken movements, mindful breathing and a defined gazing points, opens us up to experience the meditative mind while building a healthy, flexible and strong body. Discover how many lessons of hope, empowerment and surrender is at our fingertips. All levels welcome.

Saturday, Oct. 14, 2-4 pm

Sthira Sukham & Backbending

Develop your ‘sthirasukha’, your disciplin and delight, for aptitude and health in your yoga. The practice starts with directing your mind towards the essential. We will look at what it takes to bend backwards without fear and pain. The key to deep backbends are available to you through the integration of sound anatomical principles, healthy alignment&technique and accurate knowledge of your inner body. The movement mechanics of bending your spine are the key to an enhanced flow of energy and in this class you will begin to explore you natural potential for deep backbends with simplicity, safety, support and enthusiasm. The workshop aims at developing tools to a personal and balanced practice. All Levels Welcome.

Sunday, Oct. 15, 9-11:30 am

Intro to 2nd Series - Demystifying Nadi Shodana

In this workshop Tim takes you through a detailed, fun and a bit intense exploration of the Intermediate Series of Ashtanga Yoga. Explore how this series unlocks the spine, hips and upper body, creates strength and develops a deeper sense of meditation-in-action. Taking root in healthy anatomical patterns, you will identify energetic patterns that lead to pain-free deep backbends, safe hip opening and a step-by-step method to master the arm balances. It is advised that students have a regular practice of the Primary Series in order to attend.

Sunday, Oct. 15, 1-3 pm

Hips and Hamstrings – The Flexibility to Unlock Mooladhara

In this class we will look at how passive stretching and the meditative mind can function as key tools to understanding your body in yoga practice. Finding your hips and legs are the first step towards entering your pelvic cave and to a deeper ease in so many postures. Learn how to open your hip joints and hamstrings to maintain healthy knees and deeper levels of comfort, self-knowledge and asana ability.

Entire Weekend: $299
Single Workshop: $65

About Tim Feldmann

Tim is the co-founder of the world-wide recognized Miami Life Center and of the newly opened Miami Yoga Garage - a new ambitious Shala and cultural house in Miami's fun Wynwood district. He has practiced yoga since 1994 and Ashtanga Since 1999. Authorized to teach by Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois he explores core concepts and modern boundaries of Patanjali’s yoga teachings alike. A practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga’s Advanced A Series Tim finds Ashtanga’s traditional method an exceptional path towards healing, wisdom and self-realisation. Drawing upon his past as an internationally successful dancer and acclaimed choreographer, anatomy, alignment and technique is his second nature. Tim has been pursuing in-depth studies of Patanjali, Sankhya and Vedanta over the past 10 years with Vidwan Nagaraja Rao, Jayashree & Narasimha and other exceptional scholars in South India. Cherished worldwide for his fun, disciplined and detailed pursuit of authentic yoga and his compassionately effective touch, Tim travels to yoga shalas around the globe with the inclusive message of how study, steadiness and devotion is the means to powerful transformation both inside and outside of us.

For more info please visit:

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Satya Yoga with Becky Titmus

Satya Yoga with Becky Titmus

A somatic yoga experience for all levels, using gentle movements to release joints and tension. Instead of “doing” poses, we learn a different type of mind-body connection by “feeling” how our bodies move.

Becky is a therapeutic yoga teacher and has trained extensively with her teacher Tias Little

Cost: $35

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Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliott

Restorative Yoga + Massage with Allyson and Cody Elliott

Experience the therapeutic benefits of yoga and massage woven together in this 75-minute restorative yoga and massage experience. Yoga Teacher and Massage Therapist Allyson Elliott, and Massage Therapist Cody Elliott, will guide you into bolstered, long held, and comfortable restorative positions while applying soothing massage techniques allowing you to rest and renew. This class is designed to calm the nervous system, induce deep relaxation, and provide therapeutic touch in an accessible, group session.

$40 per person, limited to 10

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Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with Judith Pinn Carlisle
to Mar 5

Patanjali's Yoga Sutras with Judith Pinn Carlisle

In this 20-hour online module, students will develop a robust understanding of the history, philosophy and practice as presented in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Emphasis will be on understanding of the text, both within its historical context, and as a contemporary text that informs your own yoga practice and teaching goals. Students will receive a Zoom link to all live sessions, which will also be recorded to view at at later date.

Judith brings over 20 years of teaching experience to all of her instructional endeavors. As a yoga practitioner and teacher, her own relationship with yoga began as a child practicing with her grandmother. She revived her practice as an adult in Flint, MI, where she studied with Jennifer Whipple. Most recently, she is a graduate of the Yoga Studies M.A. program at Loyola Marymount University. Her current work emphasizes exploration of how the contemplative traditions contribute to the creation of a good life for all beings. She teaches in the Yoga Studies programs at both Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Religion and Spirituality and Naropa University in Boulder, CO. Her education includes: PhD: Univ of Arizona, MA: Loyola Marymount, MS: Univ of Arizona, AB: Occidental College.

Program Schedule: February 4 & 5, 11 & 12, 25 & 26, and March 4 & 5, 2023 at 1:00-3:30 pm.

Cost: $125

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A Weekend of Ashtanga for Practitioners and Teachers with Jimmy Smalley
to Jan 22

A Weekend of Ashtanga for Practitioners and Teachers with Jimmy Smalley

A Weekend of Ashtanga for Practitioners and Teachers

Ashtanga Asana Clinic: Saturday, Jan 21, 2023 1:00-3:00 pm

The Ashtanga Yoga method provides set sequences and groupings of poses. In a 2 hour asana clinic, these postures will be broken down and explained much more than in a regular class.

$30 Single Workshop/$60 Both Workshops

Ashtanga Guided Primary Series: Sunday, Jan 22, 2023 9:00-11:00 am

Following the traditional Sanskrit vinyasa count to connect breath and body. The full primary series consists of sun salutations, standing postures, various forms of hip opening seated positions, strength-building dynamic transitions, backbends, and inversions. This class will conclude with breathwork and a brief meditation.

$18 Drop-in/Current class package

Hands-on Assists and Adjustments: Sunday, Jan22, 2023 12:00-3:00 pm

A 3 hour workshop focusing on physical adjustments for asana practice. Small discussion of functional anatomy and applying proper and efficient techniques of how to assist a student in various postures, followed by practicing these adjustments with other participants. *Designed for teachers, but also appropriate for students to deepen experience and understanding.

$40 Single Workshop/$60 Both Workshops

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Prana Yoga Teacher Training with Jennifer Whipple January, 2023!

Prana Yoga Teacher Training with Jennifer Whipple January, 2023!

If you are ready to take your practice to the next level, if you've had the call to become a teacher, or if you are drawn to deepen your understanding of the Ashtanga-vinyasa yoga lineage, join us for an experience that will change your life. Lead teacher Jennifer Whipple holds a BA in Communications from MSU and is a Yoga Alliance ERYT-500, YACEP with 20+ years of teaching experience and 30+ years of practice experience. Our program consists of 5 modules approximately every other weekend (Friday to Sunday afternoons) beginning Saturday, January 14 at 1:00 pm. We will cultivate a solid foundation of Yoga Philosophy, Asana practice, alignment and assists, Pranayama and Kriya, Meditation, Functional Anatomy and Practice teaching. Guest teachers include Jimmy Smalley, ERYT-500, YACEP, and Dr. Judith Carlisle, Professor of Yogic studies at Loyola Marymount.

Cost: $2750
Early bird: $2500 by December 1, 2022
Payment plans available upon request!

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Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra with Jennifer Whipple

Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra with Jennifer Whipple

Celebrate the return of the light with a guided relaxation practice that will leave you feeling rested and relaxed. This practice is for everyone and is a terrific technique to incorporate into your busy life. No experience necessary; ALL are Welcome!

Please bring clean new or used winter outerwear for children to donate to Crossover Outreach in Flint

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Drum Vinyasa with Marc and Benny

Drum Vinyasa with Marc and Benny

Move to the rhythm of the drums in this ALL Level vinyasa class Thanksgiving morning! Marc Dixon and Ben Schlatter are together again for the first time in two years and we are thrilled to have them back for our longtime Thanksgiving morning tradition. Jennifer Whipple will guide you through a gentle vinyasa experience designed for all levels. Suggested Donation: $20

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A Weekend of Ashtanga with Kathy Cooper
to Nov 20

A Weekend of Ashtanga with Kathy Cooper

Kathy Cooper began practicing Ashtanga yoga in 1976, initially learning all the series from David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff, then studying for many years with Sri K Pattabhi Jois. Her deep roots in Ashtanga, and subsequent deep dives into several other healing modalities, inform her compassionate understanding of how to support and maintain a practice for a lifetime.

Saturday, Nov. 19, 2022

10 am -12 pm Led Primary Series for Everybody

1 -4 pm Alignment Principles: Kathy will demonstrate and instruct students in these principles to support their practices and avoid common injuries.

Sunday, Nov. 20, 2022

10 am-12 pm Led Primary Series for Everybody

1 -4 pm Insights into Backbending: Working with insights into backhanding to open and deepen safely. Also, conversation about longevity of practice and Q & A.

Entire Weekend: $175

Single Workshop: $55

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Exploring Alignment Series with Surya Asija
to Nov 5

Exploring Alignment Series with Surya Asija

Six weeks of workshops exploring alignment in foundational postures for practitioners of all levels.  Initially teaching the vinyasa method, Surya started practicing Iyengar yoga in 2016, studying with senior teachers and most recently with BKS Iyengar's granddaughter Abhijata.  She defines her teaching as Alignment Yoga that includes foundations, props, long holds, and emphasis on inversions/alternatives (modified based on client's current practice, age, health and physical abilities).

October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and November 5; 12:30-2:00 pm

$150 entire series.

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Upcoming events.